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Updated: Jun 5, 2024

Spanish school room

Making the decision to emigrate to Ibiza opens the path to a new lifestyle where the natural environment and a Mediterranean mode of living becomes centre stage. Kids in particular benefit hugely as they’re enabled experiences outside of the rat race and with greater simplicity. For those that do it, they rarely look back. Rather than eyes glued to a screen being commonplace, children and young adults instead develop a unique appreciation for life and their surroundings.

In turn, the topic of education for children can appear daunting, especially in consideration of the myriad of other decisions and choices that need to be navigated. For those unfamiliar with the rules and regulations of the Spanish system and perhaps language too, knowing when and how to tackle choosing a school in Ibiza is key.

School students
Photography by Yustinus Tjiuwanda

One must also consider other factors including the age of your children, their education requirements in terms of needs but also style. Plus your own values regarding schooling and your available finances; notably whether you send your child to a state-run school or opt for private education. Language is also a key consideration where getting them into a Spanish (or Catalan where required) speaking school will enable them to advance their linguistic skills and benefit their experience and immersion of living in Ibiza hugely.

With it often a subject of mixed advice and slight confusion amongst future expats and the international community, knowing the base information is vital, particularly as enrolment gets underway at the start of a year. As the leading specialists in Ibiza relocation, Next Stop Ibiza is here to hold your hand and advise on the best timelines and strategy to ensure you achieve the best education prospects for your children.

For younger children and where pre-school requires to be explored, there are ample daycare options available in Ibiza. From privately owned daycare to state-run pre-schools, escoletas in Ibiza are not only affordable but also well organised. Home daycare is emerging as an option to consider. Generally operated out of people’s homes, ‘mama del dias’ (day mothers) are regulated and accredited to run a high level of care that meets the required standard, and can vary in size and method.

Father and child walking through Spanish street
Photograph by Braden Collum

For older children at the age of three years’ and above, enrolment into school needs to be considered. Though, by law, children do not need to be officially enrolled in an education until the age of six, there has been a cultural shift in the last few decades which has seen Spanish children start school from the age of three. For those aged three and above, or already enrolled and perhaps looking to change schools, applications open in late March. For children considered new to the system and may be entering primary school, early May marks the start of their enrolment process which can be applied for online.

Our advice is to complete your due research into Ibiza schools in advance so you can truly consider the choice available based upon your requirements and residential location. We would typically recommend short listing around five schools to apply to whilst ensure note of each school’s application deadline. Admissions are based on a points system, including proximity to the parent’s place of work and child’s home, any other siblings currently enrolled in their schools or any special requirements. Provisional acceptance lists are then published by the schools at the end of May where there is a two-day reclamation process that opens soon after. Come June, final lists are published and will require further submission of registration forms to the department or school to finally secure a place. From there, the academic year runs in line with British schooling, and from September to June.

Child reading book
Photograph by Michal Parzuchowski

In brief, anyone seeking education options for their children must be on their toes from the start of the year up until June/July. Still don’t know where to start? Next Stop Ibiza is here to guide every step of this complex matter. From insider knowledge into each school to assisting you in your final selection of schools, our team will take away the stress associated to these decisions as you navigate your overarching journey to a life in Ibiza.

With this just a starting point for, look out for our upcoming articles where we’ll delve deeper into the type of options, including state and private schools.

For now, if you seek assistance or advice concerning this area, contact PaddyAnne McAllister, founder of Next Stop Ibiza, by email today on


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